Kotlin is a platform-spanning and static typed programming language. Since May 2019 it is Google’s favorite language for Android app developement.

By means of Kotlin Code-deserts can be avoided. Clean Coding is the cue.

So when I realize Android Apps I prefer using Kotlin.

App-Projects & Credentials : Kotlin

Banking in the 21st century – with DKB!

Sparkasse Banking App

Strong commitment to the Sparkassen-App

T-Olnline Nachrichten App

Bug hunting in the T-Online news app

DAK Android App

The App-Services of DAK Gesundheit

Deutsche Post Android App

App-controlled Parcel Locker of Deutsche Post

we vibe Android App

We Connect: Vibrator-Control via Bluetooth

Douglas Android App

Brandnew Functions for the Douglas App

JOYCE: Dating, Flirt and Chat for Singles & Couples
